Guidelines to the construction of a low-voltage assembly

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  • Create Date 9 آبان, 1395
  • Last Updated 10 آبان, 1395

Guidelines to the construction of a low-voltage assembly (complying with the Standards IEC 61439 Part 1 and Part 2

LV switchgear and controlgear assembly

An electrical assembly is a combination of more protection and switching devices, grouped together in one or more adjacent cases (column).

In an assembly the following parts can be distinguished: a case, called enclosure by the Standards, (it has the function of support and mechanical protection of the housed components), and the electrical equipment, formed by the internal connections and by the incoming and outgoing terminals for the connections to the plant.

As all the components of an electrical system, also assemblies shall comply with the relevant product standard. As far as Standards are concerned, an evolution has occurred with the replacement of the former IEC 60439-1 with the Stds. IEC 61439-1 and IEC 61439-2.


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